1 month to Winter Membership - Lets Keep Swimming

30 Mar 2022 by Neil Savage

Hi folks,

Ok you awesome people; here is your need to know:

1: We have closed off our Summer Membership as we only have 1 month left in the season (end April)
2: You can now buy your Winter Membership which will be valid until end September.

New members can grab a Winter Membership now one month early and have a free month on us! You’re welcome!

Let this not be the winter of our discontent, let’s make this the first winter in a while where we all keep swimming. Why not set yourself a winter swimming challenge – swim once a week, two or three times, whatever motivates you to keep on going. Winter miles equal summer smiles.

We are planning events all the way through the Autumn and Winter season. Your membership during this time will get you the following:

1. Discounts to classes at Willie Beach and VU Pool
2. Discounts to many of the several events we will be running over Winter, including hopefully another Point to Point, given the success of the last one
3. Ongoing access to the evergreen talents of our Club Yoda/Coach Jason Bryce.

The incentive is this – swim with us in the Winter. and we’ll make you even more awesome that you already are. You’ll swim faster, feel stronger, and frankly be way cooler and you won’t even need a leather jacket. And you will arrive in October already prepped and fit for the Spring/Summer swimming season.

Both recent research and anecdotal research over many years suggest a number of benefits of cold-water exposure. These include:

1. Psychological benefits (sense of achievement, social inclusion)
2. Green-blue therapy – being in open spaces (green) or open water (blue)
3. Improved immune system function
4. Less upper-respiratory tract infections

So – grab your Winter Membership and stay tuned for a super active and way-too-cool-for-school Winter Program.

Lets Keep Swimming.

MOWSC Cold Water Communications

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