
Williamstown – Altona Classic: 3.8km or 7.6km

Sun, 10 Apr 2022
from 09:00 to 12:15

by Neil Savage
Posted: almost 3 years ago
Updated: almost 3 years ago by
Visible to: public

Time zone: Sydney
Reminder: None
Ends: 12:15 (duration is about 3 hours)

“You don’t think you can do it, until you’ve done it.” This is not a race. It’s actually two swims for the price of one with a MANDATORY rest /drink /food break at Altona. Give your drink / food in a bag to our helper and it will meet you at Altona.

Leaving Williamstown Beach 9am sharp on Sunday 10 April – we swim directly 3.8km to Altona Dog Beach. You have until 10.20am to get there – so plenty of time for confident swimmers.

Leaving Altona at 10.30am we swim back to Williamstown, arriving before 12 noon.

12.15pm (ish) Raffle drawn. You could win a wetsuit or other great prizes. One ticket is included in price of swim. Funds support the Melbourne Open Water Swimming Club’s safety equipment and inclusion programs.

If you are swimming one-way, you need to arrange your own transport back to the start.

You can start at Altona at 10.30am and swim to Williamstown Beach, after chatting with Jason.

8.00am – check in opens at western end of Williamstown beach, near carpark behind WSLSC.\
9.00am – Williamstown to Altona swim starts
10.20am – arrive at Altona before 10.20am.
10.30am – Altona to Williamstown swim starts
12.00noon – Arrive at Williamstown before noon
12.15pm-ish – Raffle drawn

Book here: https://app.acuityscheduling.com/schedule.php?owner=21343742
Price: $35 for club members . $45 for non-members.

  • [2022-Mar-30 21:14] Neil Savage: Updated
  • [2022-Mar-30 21:29] Neil Savage: Updated

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